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Making it easier to do business with us

Great products with equally great service and support go hand-in-hand with us. See how your needs are covered so it's easier to do business. Here are the ways we bring ease of doing business to your everyday life.


 Online shop  

Your one-stop-shop

Quickly and easily order your hearing aids, earmoulds, accessories and spare parts, and save time reordering ‘Favourites’.


Tracking & Order Management

Submit returns, repairs and remakes. Register and check warranties. Download PDF invoices, duplicate orders, and check your order status, including anticipated shipping date and parcel tracking. Easily manage individual user access and visibility in your account for your team.

 24 hours  

24-hour self-service access

Maintain expertise and give your team 24/7 access so they can refresh their knowledge of GN Hearing products, fitting software and more when it suits them.


Support & Download Centre

Download product support materials and marketing assets, sign up to our newsletter, check device compatibility and download the latest version of the fitting software.

Register for access

Simply complete this form and our team will email you your login details in a few days. It will just take a moment to fill out your details, and your data is safe with us.

This form is for Australia and New Zealand. If you are based elsewhere, please change your country in the country selector at the top.

I have read and agree with the terms and conditions of usage of this website.